Getting traffic to your website is great, but if that traffic doesn’t convert, it’s almost useless. This article will outline 39 proven strategies for getting your visitors to take action, whether that’s filling out a form, handing over their email address or making a purchase.

1. Include as few fields as possible.

When asking for information in an email opt-in form, ask for as little information as necessary. Here’s an example of how using one additional form field decreased conversions by 11 percent.

2. Add a guarantee.

Include a no-questions-asked refund policy on all purchases. This reduces risk, and increased sales will usually more than make up for any returns.
Related: Increase Your Conversion Rates With These 7 Landing Page Must-Haves

3. Use tangible action verbs.

When testing out different calls to action, try using action language that spurs visitors to take action (for example, "grab yours," "reserve your seat")

4. Use testimonials.

Testimonials reduce risk and provide social proof. Use them on product landing pages as well as on your email opt-in landing page.

5. Clearly state the benefits of your product or service.

Listing the features of your product is important, but it’s even more important to tell potential customers exactly how your product will help them or solve their problem.

6. Pay careful attention to your headline.

Your headline is perhaps the single most important element of your landing page. Brainstorm at least 10 possibilities before choosing the strongest one.

7. Keep conversion elements above the fold.

Opt-in boxes and other conversion elements should be above the fold for optimal results.

8. Use video to humanize your brand.

Include a simple video on landing pages to show there’s a real person behind your brand.

9. Create dedicated landing pages for pay-per-click ads.

If you’re using AdWords or another form of PPC ads, be sure to send these visitors to a dedicated landing page (not your home page!).

10. Include subscriber or social-media follower counts.

Just like testimonials, including social proof helps reduce risk and increase conversions.

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About Hannah Tan

Hannah Tan is a blogger passionate in the topic Financial Education, Marketing, Empowering Women and last but not least Travelling. "There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. - Nelson Mandela Stay Connected!
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